» News » 100 th Anniversary of the International Union of Soil Scientists

100 th Anniversary of the International Union of Soil Scientists

May 19, 2024 is an epoch-making date for the global soil science scientific community and the International Union of Soil Scientists (IUSS)! Exactly one hundred years have passed since the day when the International Society of Soil Scientists (ISSS) founded at the IV International Conference of Soil Scientists in Rome (1924). At that time, leading scientists from all over the world, understanding the importance of Soil Science in the progressive development of each individual country, were looking for optimal organizational forms of coexistence both for solving national problems and for the development of international sectoral research thought. Later, this famous impulse turned into a great international idea, so today Ukrainian soil scientists remember with deep повагоюrespect, honor and gratitude the creators involved in the development of the international ethnos under the name "IUSS"!

The National Scientific Center "Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O. N. Sokolovsky" presents a collection of documents and photos that highlight the history of the creation of IUSS and the participation of Ukrainian Soil Scientists (link).
