» Laboratory of Instrumental Soil Research Methods, Standardization and Metrology

Laboratory of Instrumental Soil Research Methods, Standardization and Metrology

Head of Laboratory
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher
Coordinator for International Cooperation

Solokha Maksym Oleksandrovich


Leading scientists

Leading Research Fellow
PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher

Lazebna Maryna Yevgenievna

Research Fellow

Vynokurova Nadiia Volodymyrivna

Leading Engineer

Sementsova Kateryna Oleksandrivna


Main areas of activity

  • Development of methodology and improvement of methods of development of standard samples of composition (agrochemical indicators) of soils; production of individual batches of standard samples of the composition (agrochemical indicators) of soils (as part of the Center of the State Service of Standard Samples at the NSC ISSAR).
  • Measurement of indicators of the composition of soil samples and plant and water samples according to current standardized and temporarily approved methods of laboratory and analytical research with the use of modern measuring equipment.
  • Development of new methods of performing measurements of parameters of soil properties and improvement of existing ones.
  • Air monitoring using unmanned aerial systems.

The most important research results

  • State standard sample of the composition (agrochemical parameters) of a typical heavy clay loam was developed, intended for use in the field of state metrological supervision and control for the calibration of measuring systems, attestation of measurement methods, control of errors in measurement results.
  • Industry standard samples of the composition (agrochemical indicators) of chernozem of ordinary and sod-podzolic soil were developed.
  • The methods of preparing the material and studying the stability of the material of standard samples of the composition (agrochemical indicators) of soils were developed.
  • DSTU 7861:2015 Soil quality was developed. Determination of exchangeable calcium, magnesium and potassium in the soil according to Shollenberger in the modification of the NSC ISSAR
  • DSTU 7948:2015 Soil quality was developed. Conducting analyses. General requirements.
  • DSTU 8347:2015 Soil quality was developed. Determination of mobile sulfur in the modification of the NSC ISSAR
  • Brochure "Precision Agriculture - the Future of Rural Agriculture" was published in 2015.
  • Methodical approach to the processing of digital images of aerial photographs and spectral analysis of orthophoto planes with the following geographical reference was developed.

Main achievements in international activities

  • Laboratory is part of the GLOSOLAN and its component part of the European Network of Laboratories. In 2020, a Certificate was received confirming qualification in the measurement of agrochemical soil parameters based on the results of participation in the First GLOSOLAN qualification testing.
  • The laboratory is designated as the National Reference Laboratory of GSP, which is confirmed by the corresponding certificate recognized in the world (https://www.fao.org/global-soil-partnership/glosolan/en/) (2017-2023).
  • Field work and processing of remote information within the framework of the USAID Program for Agrarian and Rural Development (AGRO) of the Kherson Region and the Bilozerka United Territorial Community in Ukraine.
  • Participation in the FAO training seminar on Saline Soil Management for 12 countries of the Eurasian region (2017).

Maxim SOLOKHA is an official representative in GLOSOLAN/FAО – INFA (International Network on Fertilizer Analysis).
