» News » FAO Global Status of Salt-affected Soils : Main Report with the participation of the NSC ISSAR

FAO Global Status of Salt-affected Soils : Main Report with the participation of the NSC ISSAR

Global Status of Salt-affected Soils FAO  - Main report FAO (2024), which was officially released during the International Soil and Water Forum in Bangkok.

 "The Global Report on the Global Status of Salt-affected Soils is the product of invaluable contributions from members of INSAS and Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), coordinated by the Secretariat GSP. The report is a synthesis of national and regional reports, carefully prepared by many experts from around the world, that address the threat of soil salinity and sodification, both naturally occurring and caused by human activities. We hope that the insights and recommendations contained herein will help inform decision-making and promote a collective commitment to preserving the delicate balance of our planet's soils for the benefit of all and leave no one behind." said the Director of the FAO Land and Water Department Lifeng Li and Chair of the International Network of Salt-affected Soils Jorge Batlle-Sales,  addressing in the foreword all those involved in the creation of the Report .

In 2019, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), through Global Soil Partnership (GSP) founded INSAS - International Network of Salt-affected Soils. The network currently has 743 members from 125 countries. Their joint efforts led to the creation of the first edition of GSASmap in 2021, which is a testament to the power of collective action in addressing pressing environmental issues.

Since the establishment of INSAS, the NSC ISSAR has been actively involved in the work of the network and is now among the contributors to the report presented by Ukraine - Sviatoslav Baliuk, Liudmyla Vorotyntseva and Марина Захарова. Congratulations to the team of professionals and thank you for a worthy presentation of the activities of the NSC ISSAR and Ukraine in the field of soil protection!

Download the Report: https://doi.org/10.4060/cd3044en

Twitter: https://x.com/FAOLandWater/status/1866669000727597548

