» News » Conference of young scientists "scientific achievements in the research of young people to solve current problems of soil science and agrochemistry"

Conference of young scientists "scientific achievements in the research of young people to solve current problems of soil science and agrochemistry"

On May 30, 2024, the Sokolovsky Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists" Scientific achievements in youth research to address current issues in soil science and agrochemistry", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of NAAS Academician, Professor V. V. Sokolovsky. Medvedev.

The purpose of the conference was to publish the results of scientific work of young scientists in modern areas of soil science, discuss the prospects for the development of the agricultural sector, conduct discussions, exchange scientific achievements, views, ideas, approaches to their testing.

The thematic areas of the conference were divided into two blocks: (1) modern soil and agrochemical research (theory and practice) and (2) military influence on the soil resources of Ukraine; in each of them, separate thematic areas were identified.

At the beginning of the event, Svyatoslav Balyuk, Acting Director of the NSC iga, made a welcoming speech, noting the importance of honoring the memory of NAAS Academician, Professor Vitaly Vladimirovich Medvedev, and his contribution to the development of the scientific school of the NSC iga. Ekaterina Romanchuk made a report on her life and scientific path
V. V. Medvedev.

The conference was attended by representatives of scientific research institutions and higher educational institutions: NSC "Sokolovsky iga"; Belotserkovsky National Agrarian University; Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian Region of the National Academy of Sciences; Zhytomyr State University named after I. Franko; Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov; National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine and others. other institutions. International institutions were also represented - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic) and Natural Resources Institute (Finland). A total of 60 scientists took part in the conference.

In accordance with the conference program, 14 reports of young scientists were heard, and after each one, participants had the opportunity to ask questions and participate in the discussion.

Abstracts of participants ' reports will be published in an electronic collection and posted on the Institute's website, while individual reports will be published in the interdepartmental thematic scientific collection "Agrochemistry and Soil Science". Speakers and abstract authors will receive standard certificates of participation in an international scientific conference.

Conference statistics

Video of the Conference
