Head of Laboratory
PhD in Agricultural Sciences
Coordinator for International Cooperation
PhD in Agricultural Sciences
Coordinator for International Cooperation
Revtje-Uvarova Alina Viktorivna
+38(095)125–72–91Leading scientists

Chief Research Fellow
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher
Lisovy Mykola Viktorovych
The field experimental base of the laboratory includes three unique long-term field experiments, a number of short-term and production field experiments, including tests of the biological effectiveness of new types of fertilizers, on the territory of the NSC ISSAR Grakivske Experimental Field of the SE "Grakivske EF".
Main areas of scientific activity
- Development of methodological approaches and preparation for the transfer of innovative technologies in the field of soil science, agrochemistry and soil protection.
- Plant production quality standards depending on the level of soil fertility and crop fertilization in different soil and climate zones of Ukraine.
- Information databases of field experiments and improvement of methods of statistical processing of experimental information.
- Determination of patterns of influence of fertilization systems of different intensity on fertility indicators of chernozems, productivity of agricultural crops and quality of crop production in the short- and long-term perspective.
- Soil and plant diagnostics of the nutrition of agricultural crops.
- Sustainable management of fertilizers, focused on achieving a neutral level of land degradation, taking into account international approaches.
The most important research results
- Development of profile software:
- information system "Stationary field experiments",
– information and analytical system of organization and management of agricultural production,
- computer program "Crop Fertilization System in Crop Rotation",
– computer program "Calculation of the balance of humus and nutrients in agriculture at different levels of management"; - Development of a series of state standards for determining soil quality and regulating agrochemical control in agriculture: DSTU 4288, DSTU 4376, DSTU 7080, DSTU 7839, DSTU 7840, DSTU 7841, DSTU 7858, DSTU 7922, DSTU 7925 and obtaining a number of patents for utility models;
- Information and analytical system for optimization of mineral fertilizer rates using balance methods to obtain forecasted gross harvests of agricultural crops and increase soil fertility;
- Scientific bases of the adaptive direction of fertilizer application on chernozem soils;
- Methodology of normative monetary assessment of a plot of agricultural land;
- Operational evaluation and correction of nitrogen nutrition of the main grain crops;
- Improved diagnostics of the level of nitrogen supply of the soil by methods of field and laboratory testing.
Main achievements in international activities
- participation in the project "Post-war recovery and energy independence strategy through biogas deployment in Ukrainian agriculture"
with ADVERIO Engineering (Ukraine), Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), State Biotechnological University (Ukraine), JIN Climate and Sustainability (Netherlands) and ADVERIO Engineering (Netherlands) (2023); - participation in the scientific editing of the Ukrainian translation of "The International Code of Conduct for the sustainable use and management of fertilizers", Italy, Rome, 2019 within the framework of the FAO and Global Environmental Fund project GCP/UKR/004/GFF in the section "Favorable environment for INRM" (2019)