PhD in Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher
Coordinator for International Cooperation
Naydyonova Oksana Yevgenivna
+38(097)914-59-46Main areas of scientific activity
- Study of the role of soil microorganisms and their individual groups in the transformation of substances and formation of soil fertility.
- Biodiagnosis of agricultural soils.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of various agricultural measures — agromelioration methods, agrotechnologies, fertilization systems, soil cultivation, farming systems based on soil biodiagnostic indicators.
- Development of theoretical foundations, methodological approaches and methodological foundations of soil condition diagnostics of agroecosystems using a system of microbiological and biochemical indicators.
- Scientific-methodical and information support for assessing the impact of various anthropogenic loads on the biological state of soils.
- Biological soil degradation under the influence of various natural and anthropogenic factors.
- Study of the effectiveness of new biological preparations in different soil and climatic conditions.
- Study of the impact of pesticide application on microbial coenosis and soil biodiversity.
- Microbiological monitoring of technologically polluted soils. Assessment of the impact on the soil of the activities of industrial enterprises, oil and gas production companies.
- Creation of the database "Biological Properties of Soils of Ukraine".
- Consulting services on the selection of biological preparations, microbiological means for restoring the ecological state and improving the health and quality of soils for agricultural use.
The most important research results
- System of biodiagnostic indicators and criteria for assessing the state of soils of agroecosystems.
- Recommendations for specialists of agricultural enterprises and heads of farms "Application of bacterial preparations in resource-saving agrotechnologies on chernozem soils of the Left Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine".
- Scientific support for the rational use of microbiological soil resources in areas of organic production of agricultural products: Concept of organic farming (soil and agrochemical support) (collective scientific publication).
1. Зрошувані землі Дунай-Дністровської зрошувальної системи: еволюція, екологія, моніторинг, охорона, родючість; за ред. С.А. Балюка. Харків: ПФ «Антіква», 2001. (Найдьонова О.Є., Христенко С.І. 6.4 Параметри мікробіологічних показників зрошуваних ґрунтів. С. 65–70.)
2. Наукові основи охорони і раціонального використання зрошуваних земель України; за ред. В.А. Сташука, С.А. Балюка, М.І. Ромащенка. К.: Аграрна наука, 2009. (Найдьонова О.Є., Балюк С.А. 5.2.5 Вплив зрошення на стан і функціонування мікробних ценозів ґрунтів. С. 165–187.)
3. Наукові основи виробництва органічної продукції в Україні: монографія; за ред. д-ра с.-г. наук, проф., акад. НААН Я.М. Гадзала, д-ра с.-г. наук, проф., чл.-кор. НААН В.Ф. Камінського. К.: Аграрна наука, 2016. (Розділ 4, п. 4.3.5. Активізація мікробіологічних ресурсів ґрунту [Маклюк О.І., Найдьонова О.Є.]
С. 174–177).
4. Ґрунтові ресурси України: збалансоване використання, прогноз та управління; за наук. ред. С.А. Балюка, М.М. Мірошниченка, Р.С. Трускавецкого. Харків: ФОП Бровін О.В., 2020. 452 с. ISBN 978-617-
8009-02-1 (Розділ 3 Системи оцінювання стійкості ґрунтів до антропогенних навантажень та заходи з охорони їх від деградації; 3.4 Біодіагностика як важливий інструментарій екологічно безпечного управління ґрунтовими ресурсами (О.І. Старченко, О.Є. Найдьонова, А.Б. Рокитянський, Г.О. Цигічко, Р.П. Вільний). С. 211–243.)
5. Монографія «Устойчивое управление почвенными ресурсами в Евразийском регионе». Под ред. Балюка С.А., Хасанхановой Г.М., Красильникова П.В. (Глава 3 Воздействие деградации почв на общество.
(Анисимова О.В., Балюк С.А., Воротынцева Л.И., Дрозд Е.Н., Кучер А.В., Найденова О.Е.). Рим: ФАО и ЕЦПБ, 2021. С. 45–60. https://doi.org/10.4060/cb5827ru
6. Olena Drozd, Dmytro Diadin, Oksana Naidonova, and Tetyana Klochko. Soil Transformation on Restored Drill Pads of Oil-Gas Fields in Eastern Ukraine. In: Soil Under Stress. More Works for Soil Science in Ukraine. (Eds. Dmytruk, Yuriy, Dant, David). Springer, 2021. Pp. 241–255. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68394-8.
Employees of the sector took part in the preparation of publications:
- Програма використання та охорони земель (ґрунтово-агрохімічні аспекти); за наук. ред С.А. Балюка, М.М. Мірошниченка, Р.С. Трускавецького (розділ 2 Запобігання виснаженню ґрунтів в аграрному виробництві, 2.4 Застосування біопрепаратів (Мірошниченко М.М., Найдьонова О.Є.) С. 16–17.)
- Концептуальні підходи до відновлення ґрунтів, що постраждали від збройної агресії російської федерації (розділ 2. Вплив збройної агресії, військових дій на ґрунтовий покрив України, 2.1. Види деградації 2.1.4. Біологічна деградація (Найдьонова О.Є.)., розділ 4. Заходи з відновлення ґрунтів на етапі воєнного стану та післявоєнного відновлення України, 4.4.11.Системи застосування добрив
(імпортозаміщення агрохімікатів за рахунок вітчизняних ресурсів) (Мірошниченко М.М., Скрильник Є.В., Найдьонова О.Є.).
Employees of the sector are members of the PO "Society of Microbiologists of Ukraine" named after S.M. Vinohradskyi".
Main achievements in international activities
- Participation of Hetman Ya.V., Naydyonova O.E. at the 3rd Global Conference on Soil Biodiversity (3rd Global Biodiversity Conference, Ireland, Dublin, UCD (13 – 15 March 2023)) with an oral report by Naydyonova O.E. on the topic "Impact of various fungicides on the number and species abundance of fungi in podzolized chernozem". Corresponding publication: Oksana Naidonova, Yana Hetman. Impact of various fungicides on the number and species abundance of fungi in podzolized chernozem. 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference 2023 (Dublin, Ireland, March 13-15, 2023). Book of Abstracts. Oral Presentations. 429. (2023)
- Participated in the Global Symposium on Soil for Nutrition, FAO HQ (Italy, Rome, 26 - 29.07.2022, with an oral on-line report by Naydyonova O.E. on the topic "Efficiency of biological preparations based on nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria for optimizing the plant nutrition". Corresponding publication: Oksana Naydonova, Sviatoslav Baliuk. Efficiency of biological preparations based on nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria for optimizing plant nutrition. Abstracts of Global Symposium on Soil for Nutrition (July, 26 – 29, FAO HQ, Rome, Italy). Certificate received. (2022)
- Participation in the Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity / FAO Hq / Rome, Italy, 19 – 22 April 2021: oral on-line report by Naydyonova O.E. on the topic "Recovery of soils biodiversity on reclaimed drilling pads of oil-gas wells in East Ukraine". Corresponding publication: Oksana Naidonova, Olena Drozd, Nina Polchaninova, Dmytro Diadin, Iryna Lezhenina. Recovery of soils biodiversity on reclaimed drilling pads of oil-gas wells in East Ukraine. FAO. 2021. Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity – Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity (19 – 22 April 2021). Proceedings. Rome. pp. 587 – 594. https://doi.org/10.4060/cb7374en (2021)
- Participated in the international conference "DaRostim 2019", Kyiv, June 26, 2019, with an oral report "Combined use of fertilizers and protective agents in organic farming." Relevant publication: Naydyonova O.E. Combined use of fertilizing and protective drugs in organic farming // Proceedings of the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "DaRostim 2019" (Kyiv, June 25-29, 2019). "Biologically active drugs in crop production. Scientific justification - recommendations - practical results". - P. 70 - 73. (2019)
- Participated in the international scientific conference "Eastern European Black Soils - 140 years after V.V. Dokuchaeva", October 2 - 3, 2019. Chisinau, Moldova with an oral report "Agro-ecological condition of chernozem in the usual territory of oil and gas production". Relevant publication: Drozd Elena, Naidyonova Oksana, Dyadyn Dmytro. Agroecological state of the chernozem of the common territory of oil and gas production //International Scientific Conference “Eastern European Chernozems – 140 years after V. Dokuchaev (2 – 3 October 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. / resp de ed.: Iurie Moşoi; col. ed.: Tamara Leach [et al.]. - Chişinău: Institutul de Pedologie, Agrochimie şi Proteccie a Solului "Nicolae Dimo", 2019. - Pp. 81 - 87. (2019)
- Participation in the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution (Rome, Italy, 2 - 4 May 2018, FAO HQ)) with a poster report "Assessment of ecological state of the halogenic technosoils in the former well drilling site using biological indicators" . Corresponding publication: Oksana Naydyonova, Mykola Zhuravel. Assessment of ecological state of the halogenic technosoils in the former well drilling site using biological indicators //FAO. 2018. Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution 2018. Rome, Italy, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - pp. 580 – 585 (2018)
- Participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ecogeoforum 2017. Actual Problems and Innovations" for the 50th anniversary of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (March 22-25, 2017, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas) with an oral report "Assessment of the quality of soil reclamation of drilling sites by biological indicators". Relevant publication: Zhuravel M.Yu., Naydyonova O.E., Yaremenko V.V. Assessment of the quality of soil reclamation of drilling sites by biological indicators. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Ecogeoforum 2017. Actual problems and innovations" for the 50th anniversary of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Ivano-Frankivsk, March 22-25, 2017 - pp. 226-227. (2017)
- Participation in the International Scientific Conference "Soil and Fertilizers in Modern Agriculture", Prof. 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician Ion Dykusar, (September 6-7, 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, "Nicolae Dymo" Institute of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Soil Protection). Related publication: Burykina S.I., Naydyonova O.E. The influence of long-term use of different doses of mineral fertilizers on the microflora of southern chernozem. Materials of the international scientific conference “Soil and fertilizers in modern agriculture”, dedicated. 120th anniversary of the birth of academician Ion Dicusar, (September 6 – 7, 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova). – pp. 54 – 62. (2017)
- Participation in the EAGP and FAO training seminar on the management of saline soils for 12 countries of the Eurasian region, September 25-29, 2017, Ukraine, Kharkiv, NSC ISSAR (report by O. E. Naydyonova on the topic "Assessment of the state of saline and sodic soils and evaluation of effectiveness of ameliorative measures using microbiological indicators"). (2017)
- Participation in the VI International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2015", (section "Organic Agriculture"), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Hotel "Bystrica", Jahorina) October 15-18, 2015 (VI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2015", (section “Organic agriculture”), (Jahorina, 15 – 18 October 2015, Bosnia and Herzegovina) with a poster report “The prospects of the application of preparations based on beneficial microorganisms in organic agriculture". Relevant publications: Naydyonova O.E. The prospects of the application of preparations based on beneficial microorganisms in organic agriculture. Book of Abstracts VI International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2015" (Jahorina, 15 - 18 October 2015, Bosnia and Herzegovina). - p. 503. Naydyonova O.E. The prospects of the application of preparations based on beneficial microorganisms in organic agriculture. Book of Proceedings Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2015", Jahorina, October 15 - 18, 2015. East Sarajevo: Faculty of Agriculture, 2015. Pp. 1201–1208. (2015)
- Participation in the 9th International Soil Science Congress on "The Soul of Soil and Civilization”, section “Soil Biology and Biochemistry”, 14 – 16 October 2014, Side, Antalya / Turkey with a poster report “Biological degradation of Chernozems under irrigation”. Relevant publications: Naydyonova O.E., Baliuk S.A. Biological degradation of Chernozems under irrigation Abstract book 9 th International Soil Science Congress on "The Soul of Soil and Civilization" (October 14 - 16, 2014, Side, Antalya / Turkey). – P. 57. Naydyonova O.E., Baliuk S.A. Biological degradation of Chernozems under irrigation. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science. 2014. Vol. 3. Issue 4. Pp. 267–273. (2014)
- Employees of the soil microbiology sector participate in the work of International Network on Soil Biodiversity in the framework of the Global Soil Biodiversity Observatory (NETSOB).
- Since 2012, sector experts are members of the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS).