Head of Department
PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher
PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher
Momot Hanna Feliksivna
Head of the Graduate School
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher
Vorotyntseva Lyudmila Ivanivna
+38(050) 278-33-62, +38(057) 704-16-69,Leading experts

Main areas of activity
- Scientific and organizational work on the formation of the Institute's planning, current and reporting documentation.
- Coordination, scientific and organizational work on the implementation of scientific research works under the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences.
- Organization of training for higher education holders of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Sciences degrees in specialties 201 "Agronomy", 091 "Biology".
- Organizational support for the attestation of Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science degrees; ensuring the functioning of one-time specialized scientific councils, special councils D 64.354.01.
- Organization of advanced training courses, scientific and organizational events.
- Науково-організаційне забезпечення діяльності Громадської організації «Українське товариство ґрунтознавців та агрохіміків».