» World leading publications on soil topics

World leading publications on soil topics

It is known that more than 5,000 soil science publications appear annually in a large number of scientific journals and in separate thematic publications covering all aspects of soil science. They are published in various languages, but most are in English (~70%).

Soil science journals

An important, though far from complete, list of soil journals is available on the website International Union of Soil Science — IUSS 

You can find a very effective and practical search and information system for soil journals on the site CountryOfPapers. .

An interested user can find the most suitable journals in this category based on their own requirements, including indicators such as impact factor, publication type, availability of an open access policy and cost per page CountryOfPapers.

Soil science publications

On the website the FAO website a large number of very important and useful publications on key soil problems are now available.

Most of them have been prepared on the initiative of the Global Soil Partnership by author teams with the participation of recognized world experts.

Soil scientists of the NSC ISSAR took an active part in the preparation of some publications, for example:

The same site contains the materials of the thematic Global Soil Symposiums in which scientists of the NSC ISSAR participated:
