» News » Вітаємо нового Секретаря Глобального ґрунтового партнерства - Торунн Вольфрам Петурсдоттір

Congratulations to the new Global Soil Partnership Secretary - Thorunn Wolfram Petursdottir

Recently, FAO has appointed the new Global Soil Partnership Secretary - Thorunn Wolfram Petursdottir

According to the website the Global Soil Partnership  Thorunn Wolfram Petursdottir (Iceland) holds a MSc degree in restoration ecology and a PhD in environmental sciences, with a focus on land-based natural resource management (NRM), social-ecological system analysis, ecosystem restoration, soil/land governance, and policy/programme evaluation. As a scientist, policymaker, and leader, Thorunn has always prioritized promoting soil health in her work. With over 20 years of expertise in NRM, Thorunn's experience spans a wide range of activities, from on-site fieldwork with local stakeholders to conducting scientific, transdisciplinary research projects and peer reviewed publications. Additionally, Thorunn has co-written evidence-based strategies on soil and land for the Icelandic government, organized and led national and international conferences and workshops, implemented, and monitored programs, coordinated, and managed various projects, planned numerous awareness-raising activities, lectured international fellows on sustainable land management practices, and provided effective leadership. She has held various positions in her previous roles, including Head of the Department for Sustainability and Climate at the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland, deputy director of the institute, political advisor to the Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources of Iceland, and CEO of the Icelandic Climate Council.

The new Secretary of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP), Ms Thorunn Wolfram Petursdottir, has sent an email to all 165 National Focal Points, which can be viewed in the original at the FAO website and a link to the file in Ukrainian Statement

The information was prepared by Arkady Levin, Deputy GSP Focal Point for Ukraine's cooperation with the Global Soil Partnership
