Main functions of TC 142 "Soil Quality":
- Development, examination and approval of regulatory documents of various levels (DSTU, DSTU ISO, DSTU EN, SOU, TU) in the field of soil science, agrochemistry and soil protection;
- Consideration and introduction of proposals for changes to current regulatory documents, their revision or cancellation;
- Formation of positions of Ukraine regarding the developing regulatory documents of international and regional organizations in the field of soil science, agrochemistry and soil protection;
- Development of a part of the standardisation work program in the field of soil science, agrochemistry and soil protection.
Scope of activity of TC 142 "Soil Quality":
The sphere of activity of TC 142 includes areas defined by codes (according to DC 004-2008), namely:
- 01.020 Термінологія (засади та координація) у частині термінології в галузі ґрунтознавства, агрохімії та охорони ґрунтів
- 01.040 Словники термінів в частині термінів та визначень понять в галузі ґрунтознавства, агрохімії та охорони ґрунтів
- 07.100.99 Other standards related to microbiology in the field of soil microbiology
- 13.080 Soil quality. Soil science
- 13.080.01 Soil quality and soil science in general
* Also covers pollution, erosion, degeneration, etc - 13.080.05 Soil research in general
* Also includes sampling - 13.080.10 Chemical characteristics of soils
- 13.080.20 Physical properties of soils
- 13.080.30 Biological properties of soils
- 13.080.40 Hydrological properties of soils
- 13.080.99 Other standards related to soil quality
* Also covers agricultural aspects of soils and soil reuse - 17.020 Metrology and measurement in general.
Subcommittees (SC) and working groups (WG) of TC 142 "Soil Quality"
SC1 "Methods of research and analysis of soil state"
Голова ПК1 Мірошниченко Микола Миколайович, заступник директора з наукової роботи ННЦ “ІҐА імені О. Н. Соколовського”, доктор біол. наук
WG1 "Microbiological methods of soil quality analysis"
Head of WG1 Naydyonova Oksana Evgenivna, Acting Head of the Soil Microbiology Sector, PhD pf Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher
WG2 "Development of standard samples"
Head of Working Group 2 Solovey Vadym Borisovych, Head of the Soil Resources Department, PhD of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher
SC2 "Monitoring and assessment of soil and site"
Head of SC2 Solovey Vadym Borisovych, Head of the Soil Resources Department, PhD of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher
SC3 "Criteria, terminology and notation"
Head of SC3 Truskavetsky Roman Stepanovych, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Cor.-Member of NAAS
Related TCs with which TC 142 cooperates "Soil quality"
- TC 19 "Scientific and technical terminology";
- TC 71 "Vegetable and melon crops, seeds and planting material";
- TC 82 "Environmental Protection";
- TC 111 "Fertilisers and pesticides";
- TC 145 "Reclamation and water management";
- TC 159 "Agriculture".
- ISO/TC 190 «Soil quality» («Якість ґрунту») – активний член (Р – член) у діяльності міжнародного комітету;
- CEN/TC 223 «Soil improvers and growing media» («Меліоранти ґрунту та поживне середовище») – спостерігач (0 – член) у діяльності регіональної організації із стандартизації.
Collective members of TC 142 "Soil Science":
- National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine
- Харківський Національний Аграрний Університет ім. В.В.Докучаєва
- Sumy National Agrarian University
- Kharkiv Standard Metrology
- Institute of Agricultural Microbiology and Agro-Industrial Production of the National Academy of Sciences
- Kryvyi Rih Botanical Garden
- State institution "Institute of Soil Protection of Ukraine"
61024, Харків – 24, вул. Чайковська, 4.
+38(057) 704-16-69 +38(057) 704-13-39
Lazebna Maryna YevgenievnaLeading Research Fellow in Laboratory of Instrumental Soil Research Methods, Standardization and Metrology,
PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher