PhD in Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Kunets Viktoriya Vyacheslavivna
+38(066)099-67-65Scientific library of the National Scientific Center "Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky" was founded in 1956, and is the only library in Ukraine in the field of soil science, agrochemistry and soil protection.
The library funds include about 80,000 copies of special scientific, scientific and technical, reference literature on all aspects of soil science and agrochemistry, as well as related sciences: geology, hydrology, geomorphology, microbiology, plant physiology, etc. The foundation of the library fund is the fundamental works of the founders of soil science, agrochemistry and soil protection: V.V. Dokuchaev, D.M. Pryanishnikov, O.N. Sokolovsky and other outstanding scientists. A special component of the fund is the collection of scientific literature from the private libraries of Academician O.N. Sokolovsky, professors M.K. Krupskyi and O.M. Mozheyko, PhD V.D. Kisil, G.S. Hryn, O.O. Kireev. The library has a unique fund of rare publications (1,300 copies), among which: "Russian chernozem" by V.V. Dokuchaev (1883) and publication of the journa "Pochvovedenie", from the day of its foundation (since 1901).
The library fund is in three catalogs: alphabetical, systematic and topographical. The file system includes: alphabetical and subject files of articles from domestic and Russian periodicals (since 1903) and foreign periodicals (since 1926, German, English, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian); scientific works of related institutions (since 1930); rare editions (since 1883); reports (since 1951); theses (since 1990); abstracts (since 1954); standards (since 1986), translations. The reference apparatus consists of more than 314,000 cards. About 1,200 cards are added each year.
The composition of the fund is significantly influenced by the publishing activity of the NSC ISSAR and free book exchange with research institutions and higher educational institutions of the agrarian profile of Ukraine and the CIS countries. Another source of replenishment is subscription to periodicals. About 17 domestic and foreign scientific publications are subscribed to each year.
Одним із пріоритетних напрямів діяльності наукової бібліотеки ННЦ «ІҐА імені О.Н. Соколовського» є перехід на нові технології формування та використання інформаційних ресурсів. До послуг користувачів читальна зала, електронний каталог (програмне забезпечення IRBIS), власні бази даних, Інтернет-ресурси, виставки Online. Кількість зареєстрованих читачів становить – 255. Загальна кількість відвідувань за рік у середньому становить 1500, книговидача – 31000 примірників.
The library implements various forms and methods of library and information-bibliographic services for readers: thematic book exhibitions, open reviews of literature, information days. It participates in holding conferences, seminars, round tables, congresses, solemn scientific councils dedicated to memorable dates and anniversaries.
The results of the work are highlighted in a series of bibliographic publications "Bibliographies of leading scientists of the NSC ISSAR, launched in 2004.
Activities of the scientific library of the NSC ISSAR is aimed at high-quality library and information and bibliographic support of scientific research, promotion of the state's agrarian policy, improvement of the quality of scientific research works and implementation of innovative scientific developments of the Institute in agricultural production.
Directions of work
- deposit accumulation, scientific analytical and synthetic processing and information transfer;
- formation of databases in the electronic environment;
- retrospective conversion of the traditional catalog;
- creation of the library's own databases;
- informational and consulting support of research work;
- formation of a data bank of electronic full-text publications;
- structuring the information space by creating bibliographic and bio-bibliographic indexes and manuals;
- informometric, bibliometric and scientometric studies.