- Draft of the Nationwide target program for the use and protection of lands in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 19, 2022 No. 70-p. "On the approval of the Concept of the National target program of land use and protection";
- National soil protection program;
- Irrigation and drainage strategy in Ukraine for the period until 2030, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 14, 2019 No. 688-p;
- Standards of environmentally safe irrigation, drainage, irrigation and drainage management (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On standards of ecologically safe irrigation, drainage, irrigation and drainage management" dated 02.09.2020 No. 766); - Concept of achieving a neutral level of land (soil) degradation of Ukraine;
- Concept of the organization and functioning of soil monitoring in Ukraine, taking into account the European experience;
- Concept of sustainable management of soil resources of irrigated, de-irrigated and saline lands;
- Correlation of the soil nomenclature of Ukraine with the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) for the harmonization of soil data and entry into the European geoinformation space;
- Scientific and methodological bases of the functioning of the Ukrainian Soil Information Center;
- Integrated system of environmental monitoring of agricultural lands;
- Method of agrochemical certification of agricultural lands;
- Method of normative monetary assessment of agricultural lands;
- Method of determining agricultural production groups of land;
- National digital map of organic carbon and its stocks in the soils of Ukraine as a component of the Global Soil Organic Carbon Map (GSOCmap);
- National digital maps of saline soils and black (dark-colored) soils as components of Global Maps (GSAS map and GBS map);
- Digital soil maps of the Kharkiv and Kherson regions, using the national and international soil classification (WRB);
- Set of measures to prevent and eliminate physical degradation on arable lands of Ukraine and a system of non-degradation farming;
- Scientific and methodical recommendations for diagnosing the balance of mineral nutrition of agricultural crops in conditions of changes in soil moisture supply;
- Scientific and technological bases of processing of organic waste and natural materials in a soil improver;
- industry standard samples of the composition (agrochemical indicators) of ordinary low-humus chernozem, typical heavy loamy chernozem, sod-podzolic sandy soil, dark chestnut slightly saline heavy loamy soil, podzolized heavy loamy chernozem and gray forest heavy loamy.
- State standard sample of the composition (agrochemical indicators) of typical heavy loamy chernozem.
In 2022, a new direction of scientific research was launched, which concerns the impact of the armed aggression of the russian federation on the soil cover of Ukraine and the development of methodological, methodical, informational, technological support for the restoration of soil fertility
In this direction, the following were developed:
- methodological and methodical principles for determining the damage caused to the soil of Ukraine as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation;
- digital maps regarding the impact of the armed aggression of the russian federation on the soil cover of the state, Kharkiv region and Kharkiv district;
- methodical approaches to conducting scientific soil monitoring based on stationary field experiments to create a national network of stationary field experiments as an object of scientific soil monitoring in the war and post-war period of the country's recovery.