» Архів сторінок » International scientific and practical conference "Soil cover of Ukraine in the conditions of hostilities: state, challenges, activities for soil restoration", December 5,2023

International scientific and practical conference “Soil cover of Ukraine in the conditions of hostilities: state, challenges, activities for soil restoration”, December 5,2023

National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovskyinvites you to participate in the International scientific and practical conference“Soil cover of Ukraine in the conditions of hostilities: state, challenges, activities for soil restoration”,
which will take place on December 5, 2023 at 10 a.m. (Kyiv time)

The event is registered on the FAO Interactive Global Map of  World Soil Day events (World Soil Day)

 Areas of work of the Conference:

  • Impact of armed aggression and military actions on land and soil resources of Ukraine.
    Moderators: Vadym SOLOVEI, Maksym SOLOKHA
  • Assessment of state, damage and losses. Moderator: Anatolii KUCHER
  • Activities to restore soil health. Moderator: Kateryna SMIRNOVA
  • New challenges. Assessment of the consequences of the undermining of the Kakhovska HPP dam
    for the soil cover and ways to overcome them. Moderator: Maryna ZAKHAROVA


 Organizers of the Conference:

  • National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
  • Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine
  • National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky”
  • Public organization “Ukrainian Society of Soil Scientists and Agrochemists”

Conference will be held with the support of:

  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Agriculture Resilience Initiative – Ukraine (AGRI – Ukraine)
  • Journal of Innovations and Sustainability

Working languages: Ukrainian, English.
Form of participation: online, on the ZOOM platform
You can join the conference by following the link:
Conference ID: 820 4560 4811
Access code: 438916

Forms of publication of the conference materials:

– Collective monograph ” Soil cover of Ukraine in the conditions of hostilities: state, challenges, activities for soil restoration ”
– Peer-reviewed open access scientific Collected papers “Agrochemistry and Soil Science”
– Open access, cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed scientific journal «Journal of Innovations and Sustainability»
– Collection of abstracts of the conference with assignment of DOI (electronic publication)

Requirements for manuscripts are available here
To participate in the conference, it is necessary to fill out an online application and send manuscripts indicating the chosen form of publication to the e-mail address: nsc.issar.conference@gmail.com
Based on the results of the conference, the participants will receive a certificate indicating the scope of advanced training and an electronic collection of theses.

Contact persons:
Inna Parasochka, +38(050) 045-89-93, +38(067) 596-05-54
Olha Virko, tel.:  +38(095) 772-01-70
еmail: nsc.issar.conference@gmail.com

Download the Invitation
