Sustainable soil management in the formation of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises: monograph
This study constitutes a first attempt to close the research gap in the literature and to promote research on the formation of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises based on sustainable soil management. There are developed methodological foundations and estimation the economic losses from soil degradation in agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. One of the key advantages of this book is that, based on an interdisciplinary platform, it will expand the scope of a purely economic approach, including to cover soil ecosystem services, primarily regarding soil organic carbon sequestration. Special attention is paid to the formation of an economic mechanism of sustainable soil management in agriculture. The sustainable intensification of land use in the formation of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises is considered. The economic effectiveness of use of organic fertilizers by impact on potential and effective soil fertility is analyzed. This monograph provides with valuable knowledge at the national, regional and local levels on the economic losses from soil degradation and benefits of taking the practices of sustainable soil management in agriculture. The monograph is intended for researchers, lecturers, specialists and bodies of state administration, policymakers, managers of agricultural enterprises, graduate students and everyone who is interested in sustainable soil management in the formation of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises.
ISBN 978-619-203-280-7
Kucher A.V. Sustainable soil management in the formation of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises: monograph. Plovdiv: Academic Publishing House «Talent», 2019. 444 р.
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